As the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer and nature is becoming more colorful. I don’t only notice the changes outside but also find them within ourselves. Just take a look around and see for yourself how everyone transforms along with the changing seasons. The coming of seasons has an impact on our mood, taste and above all; our energy level. If you are like me, you will definitely feel it too.
As soon as the colors start showing outside, I start adding colors to my style. Whenever the flowers start to bloom, I feel the need to start anew, with fresh thoughts, new ideas and brimming with energy. I don’t agree with January being the beginning of a new year, if you ask me; it should blossom together with nature itself.
Being motivated, setting goals and obtaining a positive mind is the easiest during Spring and Summer, for me. This is when I feel most comfortable in my clothes. It might have to do with the feeling of being free since I no longer have to wear thick jackets and boots to protect me from the cold. Everything around me just seems to radiate with a sensation of freedom.
During this time of the year, dresses and skirts are a must! Preferable in my favorite color: white. Of course you can wear white throughout the year, but to me it feels the most appropriate during warmer months. Add some floral prints and you are good to go. Combine this with the beautiful flowers of the magical Dutch gardens and it somehow feels like you are wandering through a fairytale.
This floral lace skirt turned out to be the saviour of my moods! As soon as I put it on, I turn into another person. I don’t only feel graceful but also grateful for another great Spring and the coming of another wonderful Summer. Looking forward to these two seasons is what encourages me and keeps me believing that I can achieve my dreams.